When in doubt, your pediatrician can answer almost all of your new parent questions. However, it’s easy to forget to ask, especially if you are rushed during your appointment. You may even feel silly asking basic first time parent questions. Here are answers to 7 questions almost every new parent asks.
Baby Questions Every New Parent Asks
My baby has a fever. When should I call the pediatrician? If your infant is under three months old, you should call your pediatrician if her temperature is over 100 or if she doesn’t seem well, regardless of temperature.
- How long is too long for my baby to cry? It’s ok to pick him up if he’s crying. However, if his crying is keeping him awake, you should consult with your pediatrician.
- Do I wake up my baby to feed him? It depends on the baby. Smaller newborns should be woken every three hours to eat.
- Should my baby sleep on her back? Yes, all healthy newborns should sleep on their backs as a SIDS precaution. Swaddling is an easy way to help infants sleep on their backs.
- When can my baby sleep without a hat or being swaddled? Your baby doesn’t need to wear a hat when sleeping unless he’s premature, or he has a problem gaining weight. Swaddling provides comfort to infants and may be continued until the baby rejects it. Most babies benefit from swaddling until 3-6 months of age.
- How old should my baby be before I take her out in public? It’s a good idea to avoid crowds until she’s at least three months old. This will give her immune system time to develop and protect her from infections.
- When will my baby sleep through the night without needing a feeding? Once your baby starts feeding frequently throughout the day and is gaining weight normally, they may begin to sleep through the night.
Ready for the good news? You can soothe your infant, reduce the risk of SIDS, and help regulate your baby’s body temperature with BundleBee’s 10-second swaddle. Learn more about the benefits of our easy swaddle blanket or shop options now.
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